I Have A Dream….

Marilyn Lydia Pinto
Age of Awareness
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2021


A dream for a generation that aims to be financially secure.

Who recognize money for what it is, a tool that affords them better life choices. A tool that they need to learn to use and leverage.

Who don’t want to be subject to the vagaries of the economy but who know and develop their identity as valuable contributors to society.

A generation who refuse to be beholden to archaic rules and ideologies.

A generation who sees the need to discover new, fresh ways of thinking that can afford everyone a better quality of life.

A generation not defined by their grades and test scores but who choose to be defined by a vision, path and work they love.

A generation who wants to be self-reliant and that’s taking charge of their own future.

Who refuse to follow the thoughtless, tired and toxic ways of the generations before them and want to carve out a future that’s fair and inclusive.

A generation that wants to do better, not just for themselves but for humanity as a whole.

Who realize that all humans are interconnected and we cannot truly progress or thrive at the expense of any.

Who know that our best hope as a species is to work together to combat global challenges.

A generation who realize that being financially empowered enables them to do step up, stand out, and live a life on their own terms.

That’s what I call GENERATION WEALTH

A generation that’s SMARTER RICHER BRAVER

Because that’s exactly what our world needs.

